Numerologische Potenzial Readings
Numerologie ist die Lehre der Zahlensymbolik.
Ich biete auf der Zahlensymbolik basierende online Potenzial Readings an, in denen ich Dir wertvolle Informationen zu Deinen Geburtszahlen bezüglich Deines Lebens, deiner Themen, Potenziale und Gaben gebe.
Es erstaunt mich immer wieder, wie präzise die Zahlen Auskunft über uns geben.
Elisabeth Fultz
Elisabeth Fultz
Seelengesang und Numerologie
Impulse für
die neue Zeit
Impulse für
die neue Zeit
Willkommen auf meiner Website!
Elisabeth Fultz

Elisabeth Fultz
In this kind of coaching I combine different holistic methodical approaches of consulting, solving and healing. My methods range from systemic coaching methods like constellation work, neurolinguistic programming, parts work according to IFS (Internal Family System) to treatments and energy work with quantum healing, light codes, reading in the field of consciousness, numerology, light language, tones and aura clearing. In Holistic Coaching I apply all methods intuitively and individually tailored to you and your concerns.
You can book individual sessions and also coaching packages with me.
The sessions usually take place online or on-site, in Munich.
Registration at:
1 : 1 Sessions
I also offer individual sessions in these areas:
- Reading in the morphic field
- Energy work with light language
To learn more about number symbolism and my numerology sessions click here.
For more info about reading in the field of consciousness click here.
To learn more about chant coaching click here.
For more info about energy work with light language and tones click here.
You can book single sessions and also coaching packages with me:
1 Coaching session (a approx. 60 - 90 minutes): 120,-€
4 Coaching sessions (a ca. 60 - 90 minutes): 450,-€
10 Coaching sessions (a approx. 60 - 90 minutes): 980,-€
Registration at:
Feel free to contact me at for more information.
I am looking forward to seeing you!